Monday, July 7, 2008

Please Read Show's Memo...

Saturday night at the club was off the meter! Crowd was sweating.. women looking real good.. fellas buying drinks and all BUT

....... why do people come out so damn late to enjoy themselves???????

Ok..ok ok ok ok. I know I'm probably going off into rant mode but hear me out. The damn price of gas is almost 5 dollars. 5 muhfukkin dollars yo! Most people that come to Paradise Cafe usually come from all around Connecticut and some Springfield MA residents as well. But Saturday night.. we had Brooklyn, Long Island, Boston, Providence, Albany and Ct in the house and it was BEAUTIFUL! But people came out late! Get your money's worth in the clubs you go to homies!!!

FELLAS.... (shameless plug)...

The women that come to my club look like ................THIS


All I'm saying is.. You need to get to the Club.... EARLY.

This is a public service announcement from


ok.. carry on with whatever you were doing.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Industry Rule # 4080 sect. B

So I'm sitting here eating empanadas thinking to myself.. " really love empanadas!" Yeah I do... I like the sauce that I dip the empanada in and the combination works well together as a satisfying treat. Kind of like the relationships of old between the record label promoters and the DJ's. Remember the days when you actually KNEW who the promoters were? When they actually came to your market and introduced themselves and their artists to you and relationships were built? Maybe Im dreaming or getting too old.. but shouldnt it still be the same way? I dont know but I will say that in all honesty I do respect the internet hustle. SOMEWHAT. Yeah I said it.. somewhat. And I say that because at some point you still have to create a united front between artist and DJ.. and the liason is the Promoter. Real talk yall...the promoter is the glue that binds the artist and DJ for a great combination. Its a shame nowadays how some artists dont even trust the promoters and labels...they get out on the road and promote now thats a thought.. self promotion...
Speaking on self promotion... Im tired of waking up in the morning to 30 gazillion emails from unbeknownst (yeah I said it...UNBEKNOWNST) people telling me that their new track is the hit of the century. As if I dont spin it, the sky will fall and I would have done the rap game a dismal wrong...
Well.. I represent HIP HOP and all facets at that.. Does anybody make Hip Hop anymore? Not to say that some rap isnt good.. I like rap that is tight.. nice hook and great content. Not the bs youre putting in my inbox, plus I dont know you and youre expecting me to play this basura?....F outta here!
Back to the issue at hand. I decided we update the industry rules.
You careless sons of bitches need to learn this one.. A lot of people have stolen lists from you flagrant fucks who dont know how to BCC...
2. Learn to build a fucking relationship with people before you go off and demand someone play your music... Im a dj...but Im surely not a bitch ass DJ.. Come to me with the gangster shit you might leave with your jaw broke into little pieces.
3.Step away from the computer and go see some real DJ's work then get to understand certain things about our trade. We really work. This is not some game that you think can be emulated by fakes and frauds. Just cause you think its easy...You need to be schooled.
4. Dont school fools.. cause fools are too cool to school. *say that 5 times*
and lastly (for now)..RESPECT THE DJ. Stop and think. Without the DJ...where is the music?
The empanada is gone and so am I. More at a later date folks..
*Shout out to the Core DJ's Entourage DJ's Smith Bros. Local 1200 Diggers Union, Double M ent.
Foundation Magazine (Sommer and Tapemasta) and all the true to heart promoters Jen Boogie, Ron Stewart, Bolo, Chris Green, Nels, Big Theo, Big Ro, Radio Rah, EP Ike and Ice Shuler. Garnet Reid, ALMG, B Gaffey, and whoever I forgot.
Its July 4th and Im out. Peace.